2024 Soft Red Winter Wheat
Performance Test Results

The MU Variety Testing Program posts results as locations are harvested and data is analyzed. Wheat results will be posted online only. A printed version will not be published this year.

Crop Management Information for all locations.
Soil and Weather Information for all locations.

North-Central Region

Albany, Mo (Gentry County): PDF | Excel
Columbia, Mo (Boone County): PDF | Excel
Martinsburg, Mo (Audrain County): PDF | Excel
Novelty, Mo (Knox County): PDF | Excel
Region Means: PDF | Excel

Southeast Region

Charleston, Mo (Mississippi County): PDF | Excel
Fisk, Mo (Butler County): PDF | Excel
Region Means: PDF | Excel

Southwest Region

Garden City, Mo. (Cass County): PDF | Excel
Lamar, Mo (Barton County): PDF | Excel
Lockwood, Mo (Dade County): PDF | Excel
Region Means: PDF | Excel